David Tennant and Billie Piper to return for 'Doctor' 50th anniversary

David Tennant and Billie Piper to return for 'Doctor' 50th anniversary
David Tennant and Billie Piper to return for 'Doctor' 50th anniversary
Just before tonight’s season premiere, the Time Lords at Doctor Who have decided to answer one of the fans’ long-burning questions about the 50th anniversary special. BBC America announced this morning that David Tennant and Billie Piper will join current Doctor and companion, Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman, in the special, which begins filming this week in the UK. John Hurt of the Harry Potter series will also co-star. The 50th anniversary will mark the first time Tennant has appeared as the Tenth Doctor since Jan. 1, 2010, and also the first time Piper has appeared in the series since Tennant’s final episode. Which other former Time Lords and companions are you hoping will return? Read more: ‘Doctor Who’ stars Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman talk 50th anniversary special script — EXCLUSIVE VIDEO How to start watching ‘Doctor Who’: Star Matt Smith and exec producer Steven Moffat suggest some TARDIS entry points Rumors that the 50th anniversary story would feature mulitple Doctors and their companions (ala the 10th anniversary "The Three Doctors and the 20th anniversary "The Five Doctors") have been circulating for a while and I'm glad to see that it is happening. Of the former Doctors who are still living, I'd love to see Tom Baker, Peter Davison (which is probable since he's Tenth Doctor David Tennant's father-in-law), Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, and Paul McGann return. Eccleston is done with the show so There's no chance in him showing up.


Jim Carrey’s anti-gun song draws angry comments on Funny or Die

Jim Carrey’s anti-gun song draws angry comments on Funny or Die
Jim Carrey’s anti-gun song draws angry comments on Funny or Die
So Jim Carrey posted a Hee Haw-ish skit to Funny or Die and doesn’t seem as if the audience appreciates it very much. Among the comments on Jim’s “Cold Dead Hand” that can be shared in polite company are these gems: ". . . washed up piece of Canadian crap" "Since he has sided with being a Canadian in both statements and deeds, he should do the honorable thing and return to Canada and relinquish the citizenship that he has here since he no longer feels he has an obligation to uphold the Constitution." "I don’t expect anything other then typical lefty Hollywood garbage, after all, he is Hollywood and has to do what he has to do to keep getting work. Burt Wonderstone wasn’t exactly a box office hit. What a slimy little ass weasel." Jim has answered some of the criticism on Twitter: "Thx 4 your input 2day.I don't think i've ever felt so despised and so free at the same time. It's been delightful" and "G'morning! Hope you're enjoying Cold Dead Hand. FYI, my bodyguard doesn't have a hundred rounds in his clip. I wish u all a bullet free day!" And best line of the song goes to “it takes a cold, dead hand/ to prove your dink is better.” WARNING: One rude gesture. So Jim Carrey posted a Hee Haw-ish skit to Funny or Die and doesn’t seem as if the audience appreciates it very much. Among the comments on Jim’s “Cold Dead Hand” that can be shared in polite company are these gems: ". . . washed up piece of Canadian crap" "Since he has sided with being a Canadian in both statements and deeds, he should do the honorable thing and return to Canada and relinquish the citizenship that he has here since he no longer feels he has an obligation to uphold the Constitution." "I don’t expect anything other then typical lefty Hollywood garbage, after all, he is Hollywood and has to do what he has to do to keep getting work. Burt Wonderstone wasn’t exactly a box office hit. What a slimy little ass weasel." Jim has answered some of the criticism on Twitter: "Thx 4 your input 2day.I don't think i've ever felt so despised and so free at the same time. It's been delightful" and "G'morning! Hope you're enjoying Cold Dead Hand. FYI, my bodyguard doesn't have a hundred rounds in his clip. I wish u all a bullet free day!" And best line of the song goes to “it takes a cold, dead hand/ to prove your dink is better.”

 News Souce; www.thestar.com



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