Paramore Will Get 'Live From MTV' This Monday! Paramore will take over this Monday at 5 p.m. for an exclusive performance and interview!

Paramore Will Get 'Live From MTV' This Monday! Paramore will take over this Monday at 5 p.m. for an exclusive performance and interview!
Paramore Will Get 'Live From MTV' This Monday! Paramore will take over this Monday at 5 p.m. for an exclusive performance and interview!
Paramore have been counting down the days until the release of their self-titled album for months now ... so you can't blame them for wanting to celebrate a little early. On Monday (April 8) — one day before their album hits stores in the U.S. — Paramore will take over the MTV Newsroom for an exclusive live performance in front of an audience of their most fervent fans, plus a 30-minute interview interview with MTV News' James Montgomery and a Twitter Q&A session. Paramore Reveal 'Still Into You' Inspiration We're calling it "Paramore: Live From MTV," and it begins on Monday at 5 p.m. ET on You can submit your questions for the band by tweeting @MTVNews using the hashtag #AskParamore, and MTV Buzzworthy blog managing editor Tamar Anitai will select the best to use during the show! Paramore's self-titled fourth album is set to be released on April 9, and back in February, they premiered the video for riotous first single "Now" during an "MTV First." They've also just shot a clip for the album's second single, "Still Into You," and invited MTV News' cameras down to the set in Austin, Texas to give us an exclusive sneak peek. And now, they're bringing their new album to the MTV Newsroom, for a performance and an in-depth interview their fans won't soon forget. It's been nearly four years since we've had a new Paramore album to obsess over, and, just like the band, we're ready to celebrate. Get ready, this is going to be one show you don't want to miss! "Paramore: Live From MTV" will stream live on this Monday, April 8 at 5 p.m. ET

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